Airing September 17 - 19, 2019, visit for more details


  • Age: 62
  • Hometown: Brantford, ON

Larry spent his early years in Simcoe, Ontario, in Norfolk County, southwest of Toronto. He has three brothers, and had a typical, middle class upbringing where he went to public school and was taught to respect authority. Larry works in the retail industry in shipping and receiving, and is a self-described country boy. He has two adult daughters who help to keep him grounded. He is proud of his childrens acheivment as together they started a successful coffee company in Ontario. Being a parent has helped him understand the different needs and abilities children have and is important to how he sees the world.

In Larry’s free time, he loves to spend time at the cottage, fishing, hunting, and cycling. He believes in keeping active for health reasons, but doesn’t care much for professional sports. Larry also loves to build bikes and collects toys from the 50’s and 60’s.

Larry is an opinionated man who holds very conservative views and is not afraid to offer his opinion. Larry has strong views about immigration; he believes that if one moves to Canada, they should implement the views and traditions of the west, and if you mess up, you should be sent back to the country in which you were born. He believes that Canada has a responsibility to help the indigenous community for what they did for the settlers, and upholds that Canadians are living in the best country in the world.